Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On February 13, 2012 The DailyTexan ran an article called “Texas Freedom Network supports comprehensive sex education, asks students support” in hopes of raising awareness of the lack of sex education for minors as well as asking for signatures for a petition to the state lawmakers to stand behind a comprehensive sex education program.  The article goes on to say how high school students are not only being misinformed but pushed into an abstinence based education only, where TFN would like to see an education program be put into place where they teach not only abstinence but how to be safe from diseases and unintended pregnancies.   As the count of teen pregnancies rise, there has to be a point where one would think about spending a little bit of money on prevention and education rather than the billions of dollars Texas spends currently on Medicaid and other government funded programs to support the mothers and children. 

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